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I enjoyed this game a lot. I really liked all the characters and I laughed at a lot of the jokes. The pacing was very good - I loved how the mystery unfolded layer by layer. The “true ending” is very sweet and feels right, but I’m loving all the alternate endings I’ve seen so far - they’re introducing very interesting ideas about the characters. I thought the gameplay was very good too; the puzzles could have been a bit more challenging for my tastes but I was more engrossed in figuring out the mystery along with Beebo so it might have just ended up frustrating me if they were harder and “getting in the way” of advancing the plot. 

If you play this, look at all the art a lot! The things Beebo/his current party members say about them change over time and are really interesting. 

Yes, I just finished it and fell in love with the characters and the stories and everything. I'll go draw them now.


im in love with this game..... the characters, the art style, the music, the story, everything!!! truly amazing, ∞/10. o((>ω< ))o

Big fan of the game! But, I believe Beebo might have an alcohol problem - that is to say, I interacted with the fancy drinks at the bar after talking to Angel and the game softlocked.

I choose to believe he just started downing them after flirting with Angel briefly out of embarrassment

I saved between getting the storage key and opening the storage room, and then when I loaded the storage key just straight up disappeared forever? I couldn't open the storage room or do any of the puzzles to get the key again

stessa cosa che è successa a me QwQ... dovrò rifare tutto dal salvataggio precedente...

I love this game so far! My friend recommended it to me, and I think I've found a bug. So...

Bug Report:
When you click something as you leave a room, the game no longer seems to let you move or interact with anything else. I managed to do it twice so far. I was confused the first time, and based on the second time I think that's the issue. I'm currently playing on the macOS build in case it is a specific platform bug.

Thank you for reporting it! Lots of these type of bugs are solved by pressing backspace as im not really sure what provokes them, I have that as a saving grace for getting stuck

Glad you enjoyed!

I assume it has something to do with how the signals get switched at the last moment, so the game gets caught in a transitory state. I assume it thinks that an object is being interacted with, but now since it's in the wrong room, it can't find it. I'd check how your targetting works and check if the current target becomes null or unavailable. This game rocks~!

Smart and funny writing, cute art, and wonderful characters! I am so happy I played this game! Thank you!

absolutely incredible, laugh out loud jokes and solid writing!!! cried several times ngl 

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What font do you use for the main game dialogue?
Just curious :)
EDIT: Nvm, the font appears to be Nokia Cellphone FC???

It is indeed!

I recently finished all of the endings, and I really loved this game! The characters are fantastic, and the story was really interesting.

On my first playthrough, I did experience a bug in the tension/relief minigame, where the slider ended up in a position where it was impossible to continue. A reload fixed the issue, though.

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Bug report: I think in Round 4 if you speed through the talk with Simon and Owen via the spacebar, it fails to give you the Puzzle Piece, which locks you out of completing the Jigsaw Puzzle. Backspace, F5, and quitting to the title haven't helped, and I accidentally saved over that poor choice. Whoops. There goes my  second playthrough, I suppose. XD Seeing the rest of the endings will have to wait a bit. 

i will never be normal again. really good


Amazing game, I love the style and the story very much!! Vivi my beloved....


this was such a PEAK experience I finished the whole game in a single sitting and don't regret it. Maybe one day I'll experience a romance the way Oliver and Àngel did



This game was SO fun and creative!! The fact that most of this was done by one person is really impressive!

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I play the games for the story so when I say I didn't really care for the puzzles I mean that in a totally biased way. That and the fact that my feelings toward horror continue to be a mystery to even me. I really like all the dialogue tho. Make more games please.
P.S Thanks Serien.

started playing at 7 pm finished at 3 am. good game. definitely gonna get all endings at some point :3

Me too !! Currently up pondering at like 4 am... Such a good game. 

Does anyone have a link to the discord??


We hang out mostly. And rotate him

the link is expired, may I have a new link please?


Another one

may i have a newer link please...

for u


OH MY GOD???????

Sorry. Um. Dear god I don't know what to say. That was such a good use of my afternoon. Wow


you. itch user. you will beeb it up


This game is marvelous. The characters, especially the villain, are top notch. The comedy is wonderful and balances out well with the horror elements. I am sharing this with everyone I can in hopes that more people will love Beebo just as much as I do. 

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Adventure games I've played in the past have taught me to slap items on things at all times, and boy howdy does this game hate it when you try to use items on the wrong thing. 

So far I've used the kitchen key on the locked door in the bar and gotten <null>, which let you dismiss it but just came back forever, and used it 2 other places (stuck door in hallway and food table in entrance room) and gotten the error message "If you see this god help you" which has you stuck until quitting to title.

I'm on windows and just downloaded it today. I figured I'd report this, but I am definitely taking a break from applying items randomly.

ETA: Yeah I've found several more, but IDK what extra details would help? The doors aren't identifying themselves when I interact with them keyless so I'm not sure if this is something that just broke or what

Thank you for reporting this! I believe something from the new update messed this up, as this didn't happen in the old versions (and my playtesters also tried the items on everything), must've been the unfinished language-switching code. I shall look into it!


Thanks! I played last night and went to bed after getting one ending, and will be playing more later.

This game is very good! The dialogue is well written and oh my god, I can't believe you wrote different inspection dialogue for every loop, and if you had someone else in your party. I enjoyed that immensely. And the 2ndary location section was really cool. It made me feel some interesting emotions

Hi! I haven't finished the game yet, but I did want to report a bug that can potentially prevent the player from progressing. It relates to how the snack table save point resets the area when you interact with it. There's at least one instance during the third(?) loop, where the storage room where you find Vivi can get re-locked after using the key and you can't get another one!

Here are the steps to replicate the bug with File #5 of my save:

  • Interact with the top painting in the eastern hallway to obtain Vera's note
  • Interact with the album records on the table in front of the bar entrance in the western area to get the Storage Key
  • Go back to the lobby and right-click/use the key on the locked door in the bottom-left
  • Immediately interact with the snack table and then exit the save menu
  • Viola! The door is locked again, but the key is gone and you can't get another one!
  • Alternatively, you can create a save before unlocking the door, but the key will also go missing if you quit to menu and reload the file!

I didn't have a great time when I got softlocked myself and had to backtrack from an earlier save point, but I hope this helps!


Thank you for the detailed bug report! I shall patch it right away!


Solved it! Turns out that, for this exact door (and maybe others??) its saved as "unlocked" once you enter the room, which is why it didnt save when you just used the objects. I shall upload a new version and fix all the other doors. Thank you again for reporting this!


this is so beautifully crafted from the story to the gameplay; i really hope this gets a lot more attention !! my sisters and i played until we got what we believe is the true ending, and it was well worth the entire five hours :') 


More ppl need to play this game man- It's one of my all time favorites now- the story the music THE HOMOSEXUALITY MMMMGMMH TASTE I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE- I will now continue thinking about this game for years, thank u devs for this masterpiece i lob u


Fun fact this masterpiece was made by just one person :D


gay people good

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Rotating them in my brain forever and ever 10/10





Ok. After a long night, I got all ten endings. This is an awesome game. My sister showed it to me and I am happy she did!

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Hey I played Detective Beebo on twitch and posted a vod of it on my youtube channel! I'm not a big streamer but everyone who was there really liked it! We appreciate you and your hard work on this game, thank you for creating it!!!